Poor quality of scans on Gallica

Jonathan Silk kauzeya at GMAIL.COM
Wed Jun 29 12:24:34 UTC 2011

dear Friends,

I doubt I am the only one to notice that at least some of the scans on
Gallica are atrocious; I just looked at Journal Asiatique for 1927, and
large parts of it are entirely illegible. Is this an issue that is being
addressed? I ask this in part since the Kern Institute, having lost our
library, has been attempting to find homes for our journals, and we have,
ironically perhaps, just gifted our run of JA to colleagues in Eastern
Europe. To be sure, the University Library owns a set, but in part our
thinking (or at least my thinking) was that electronic access was available.
It is, but only in the sense that the journal has been scanned, not that the
scan is readable....


J. Silk
Instituut Kern / Universiteit Leiden
Leiden University Institute for Area Studies, LIAS
Johan Huizinga Building, Room 1.37
Doelensteeg 16
2311 VL Leiden
The Netherlands

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