
Martin Straube straube at STAFF.UNI-MARBURG.DE
Fri Jun 10 21:45:18 UTC 2011

Dear Patrick,

There is another instance of that proverb in the Mbh (12.106.10):

tataḥ suhṛdbalaṃ labdhvā mantrayitvā sumantritam /
antarair bhedayitvārīn bilvaṃ bilvena śātaya //

Best regards

Martin Straube

Zitat von Patrick Olivelle <jpo at UTS.CC.UTEXAS.EDU>:

> Does any one know -- and can give sources -- of an expression:  
> "bilvaṃ bilvena hanyatām"?? The meaning is clear -- use a wood-apple  
> to break another wood-apple. This proverb is found in the  
> Arthaśāstra 9.2.8.
> Thanks.
> Patrick

Dr. Martin Straube

Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg
Seminar für Indologie
Emil-Abderhalden-Str. 9
D-06099 Halle (Saale)

Philipps-Universität Marburg
Fachgebiet Indologie und Tibetologie
Deutschhausstr. 12
D-35032 Marburg

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