No incoming Sanskrit students at Andhra University :-(

Thrasher, Allen athr at LOC.GOV
Wed Jul 6 02:05:40 UTC 2011

You say, "Allen's information confirms that this is true of Latin too. This also explains why in India one finds few problems in finding material for Latin study, but has to do much more labour, often unsuccessful, for Homeric or Classical Greek studies. Studying Biblical Greek is less of a problem!"
When you say "finding material," do you mean finding textbooks to teach oneself, or courses given in academic institutions?
By the way, does anyone know about the extent of offering Latin and Greek in Indian institutions in the colonial period, for the sake of the IAS exams, or for that matter other exams?  I looked into this once but couldn't find much.  I suppose among other things one would have to look at the course catalogs of the colleges and universities.

Allen W. Thrasher, Ph.D.
Senior Reference Librarian and Team Coordinator
South Asia Team
Asian Division
Library of Congress
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Washington, DC 20540-4810
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The opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect those of the Library of Congress.

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