religious embryology in India

James Hartzell james.hartzell at GMAIL.COM
Thu Jan 27 21:50:43 UTC 2011

There's some very interesting material on this topic in both the Tibetan and Ayurvedic medical literature.  

I don't have my textbooks at hand, so I can't provide references.

Some years back, when we were PhD students together, Amy Langenberg (Brown University) was interested in this topic, so she may be able to help.  

I will also be interested in any electronic references the list members might provide.

James Hartzell

On Jan 27, 2011, at 7:22 PM, Andrey Klebanov wrote:

> Dear all, 
> I'm searching for publications (or any other academic input), which deal or touch upon the topic of religious attitudes, rituals etc. concerning conception/ embryonal development/ birth and early childhood in India (past or present). 
> I would be absolutely grateful for any hint or advice. 
> best,
> Andrey Klebanov

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