Mimamsa quotation?

Andrew Nicholson andrew.nicholson at STONYBROOK.EDU
Mon Feb 14 02:50:46 UTC 2011

Dear Indologists,

Can someone please point me to the source of the following quotation:

viSayo vizayaz caiva pUrvapakSas tathottaram /
nirNayaz ceti paJcAGgaM zAstre 'dhikaraNaM smRtam //

There is a similar sloka in Khandadeva's Bhattadipika (comm. on Jaimini
1.2.7), but I have not found the source of this precise quote from the
pandit I was working with. Other versions of the sloka would also be


Andrew J. Nicholson
Assistant Professor
Department of Asian and Asian American Studies
Stony Brook University
Stony Brook, NY 11794-5343 USA
Tel: (631) 632-4030  Fax: (631) 632-4098

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