5th Vedic Workshop, Bucharest, Sept.20-23, 2011

Michael Witzel witzel at FAS.HARVARD.EDU
Sat Nov 27 01:19:56 UTC 2010

Dear List Members,

The Centre for Eurasiatic and Afroasiatic Studies (CEAS), Bucharest,

has the pleasure to invite you to the fifth International Vedic Workshop

to be organized on September 20th- 23rd 2011 in Bucharest, Romania.

Suggested topics include:

–      The formation of the Vedic canon: from family books to Vedic  
śākhās, from Traividya to Caturveda;

–      Vedic schools and Vedic “dialects”: śākhās and  

–      The relation between śākhās and caraṇas of the same or  
different Vedas (Rg, Sāma, Yajur, Atharva): borrowing, citation,  
supplementation, usurpation (YV hautra);

–      Vedic śākhās and caraṇas in the performance of Vedic  
ritual: compatibility, incompatibility, competition and cooperation;

–      Sources for the localization and history of the śākhās and  
their promoters (inscriptions, manuscript colophons, literary  
sources, etc.);

–      Self-reflexivity of the Vedic tradition and its śākhās:  
anukramaṇīs, the (Yajur) vedavrkṣa;

–      A recourse to svaśākhā: the medieval and modern prayogas  
and paddhatis.

Speakers will be invited on the basis of submitted abstracts of  
proposed contributions (before 30 January 2011).

The Organizing Committee:

Prof. Dr. Shrikant Bahulkar

Prof. Dr. Jan E.M. Houben

Prof. Dr. Michael Witzel


Dr. Julieta Rotaru -- julieta.rotaru at bmms.ro

(See also the attached file)

PLEASE SEND YOUR PROPOSALS TO: <julieta.rotaru at bmms.ro>

Looking forward to seeing you next year!

Best wishes,


Michael Witzel
witzel at fas.harvard.edu

Dept. of Sanskrit & Indian Studies, Harvard University
1 Bow Street,
Cambridge MA 02138, USA

phone: 1- 617 - 495 3295, 496 8570, fax 617 - 496 8571;
my direct line:  617- 496 2990


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