Request from a student

Mary Storm mnstorm at MAC.COM
Tue Nov 16 11:44:32 UTC 2010

Dear All,

I have a student this term who is doing a research project on the perceptions of "Aryanism" by the Hindu political right in contemporary India. She is interested in how this plays out in national identity politics.

She asked if I could put this to you all and see if anyone is willing to swim in these murky waters:

	If it's possible, I would appreciate it if you would be willing to share any archived threads related to this topic, especially those with intrusions from pro-Hindutva nationalists.  I would also be grateful to hear any of your related thoughts, concerns, or research advice, even if it's something small.

	One specific area in which I would appreciate your thoughts is the basic question of why the concept of Aryan Identity is concerning.  Apart from the simple matter of there being little historical evidence to support their claim, why should anyone care that Hindu nationalists cling to the idea of the "Arya" as an indigenous Indian civilization?  What does it mean for the rest of India, or the rest of the world?

Many Thanks to anyone willing to help!


Mary Storm, Ph.D.
Academic Director and Lecturer
India: National Identity and the Arts
Himalayan Buddhist Art and Architecture
SIT Study Abroad
F 301 Lado Sarai
New Delhi 110030 India
Mobile: +91 98106 98003

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