Movie Premier: India Documentary - 'Mountain God and Sacred Text' by McComas Taylor

McComas Taylor mccomas.taylor at ANU.EDU.AU
Mon Nov 8 02:44:37 UTC 2010

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Dear Friends

We are pleased to invite you to view our new documentary 'Mountain God 
and Sacred Text'. This 35min documentary is now available online in 
three parts at:
About the film:
*We set out to document a seven-day festival that was held in the hamlet 
of Naluna in the Garhwal Himalaya, India, in November 2009. The festival 
centred on the sacred text of the Bhagavatapurana which tells the story 
of the beloved Indian deity, Krishna. The festival was conducted under 
the auspices of the local village deity Kandar. Our film captures the 
sights and sounds of this beautiful mountain community, as well as the 
fascinating interaction between the story-telling tradition from the 
North Indian plain, and Kandar, the village god.

My cameraman and editor Julian Dennis and I have worked long and hard on 
this film, and we look forward to reading your feedback on Youtube.

Please circulate this message as widely as possible.

With thanks in advance


PS - apologies for multiple postings.

Dr McComas Taylor
Head, South Asia Program
College of Asia and the Pacific
The Australian National University

Tel: +61 2 6125 3179
Fax: +61 2 6125 8326

Email: mccomas.taylor at
Location: Room E4.24 Baldessin Precinct Building 

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