History of Tamil Studies (in Belgium)

Christophe Vielle christophe.vielle at UCLOUVAIN.BE
Mon May 10 11:05:43 UTC 2010

dear colleagues,

If somebody has access to:

Xavier S.Thani Nayagam (ed.): Tamil studies 
abroad: a Symposium. [vii] 269 pp. [Kuala 
Lumpur]: International Association of Tamil 
Research, 1968 (with papers by  J. Filliozat, 
"Tamil Studies in French Indology"; F.B.J. 
Kuiper, "Dutch Studies of Tamil"8; A. Wetzler, 
"German Dravidology Past and Present"; A. 
Lehmann, "German Contribute to Tamil Studies"; 
R.E. Asher, "The Contribution of Scholars of 
British Origin to Tamil Scholarship and the Study 
of Tamil in Britain", etc.)

May I ask him to check if the name of Philippe 
Vander Haeghen is somewhere quoted ?

Philippe Vander Haeghen is a Belgian scholar who 
published a paper "De l'étude du tamoul", in 
Bulletins de l'Académie royale des Sciences, des 
Lettres et des Beaux-Arts de Belgique, vol. xxii, 
1855, pp. 285-304, and then in 1858 a series of
Maximes populaires de l'Inde méridionale, Paris - Bruxelles - Leipzig
(Tamil proverbs in Tamil script)
The book was published "sous la protection de 
(...) M. le Docteur Charles Graul, un des hommes 
les plus versés dans la littérature tamoule"

For the 4 vols of the Bibliotheca Tamulica (1854-1865) by Karl Graul, see:

Thank you very much,
With best wishes,

Christophe Vielle

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