arthur tomson's ratnama ñjūṣā

Andrew Ollett andrew.ollett at LING-PHIL.OX.AC.UK
Thu Mar 25 20:01:11 UTC 2010

list members,

in this article:

  author = {Chandrabhal Tripathi},
  title = {{Ratnamañjūṣā and `Chandoviciti'}},
  booktitle = {Beiträge zur Indienforschung},
  publisher = {Museum für indische Kunst},
  year = {1977},
  pages = {549-560},
  address = {Berlin},

i encountered a few references to an edition of the ratnamañjūṣā, a sanskrit
work on metrics, then under preparation by arthur tomson in berlin, who had
written his MA dissertation on it.  does anyone know what happened to it?

thanks in advance.

andrew ollett

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