
olivia cattedra ocattedra at YAHOO.COM.AR
Mon Mar 22 14:10:52 UTC 2010

I agree with Viktoria, and also I would  add that nirvana, meaning of blowing out  (the movements
of the mind)   has a more psychological
connotation  as it seems to be the  context of Buddhism itself. By the other hand,  moksa acquires a more ontological
sense. This
to the unveiling, revelation of the self (atman / brahman) in  the
fourth state of  conscience, advaita, non dual,  proper of the Vedanta.
I think that the difference if there is such, lies in the basic
perspective of Buddhism and Vedânta.  An old,  but still very necessary work,  to observe these nuances is  Karmarkar on Gaudapada Kârikâ.

Olivia Cattedra


--- El lun 22-mar-10, Viktoria Lyssenko <vglyssenko at YANDEX.RU> escribió:

De: Viktoria Lyssenko <vglyssenko at YANDEX.RU>
Asunto: Re: Moksa/Nirvana
Fecha: lunes, 22 de marzo de 2010, 4:01

Dear Mary,
In my opinion, the meanings of the both largerly overlap in signifying the release from samsara, and in no way the belief in soul/no soul does determine the difference between them as the word nirvana was used not only in Buddhism but in other traditions, like Jainism and Ajivika, especially during the sramana period. The term moksha may seem  more litteral (moksha from the root muc - to let loose) while nirvana more metaphorical (nirvana means "blowing out [the fire of passions]"), but, in the final analysis, both are metaphorical as their sense is quite different from that in the ordinary usus (vyavahara). Still there is a difference in nuances: nirvana puts to the fore the state of overcoming the affects (klesha, nivarana, avarana) and the tranquil state of mind which is rather associated with the absence of suffering then with the state of bliss (ananda), while moksha underlines the release from the burden of samsara as such which does not determine
 the character of this state - it may be either bliss (ananda) as in the majority of schools or absence of sufferings as in Vaisheshika .
Victoria Lysenko
Russian Academy of sciences

22.03.10, 10:58, "Mary Storm" <mnstorm at MAC.COM>:

> Dear Indologists,
>  I wonder if someone could clarify for me the nuances between the  
>  meaning of moksa and nirvana? Do both imply release from samsara?  It  
>  seems as if a belief in soul/no soul has to determine the meaning and  
>  I know the meanings change over the centuries.... but some quick  
>  insights would be very welcome.
>  Apologies for such a broad question.
>  Thanks so much for your thoughts!
>  Mary
>  Mary N. Storm, Ph.D.
>  Academic Director and Lecturer
>  India: National Identity and the Arts
>  and
>  Himalayan Buddhist Art and Architecture
>  SIT Study Abroad
>  F 301 Lado Sarai
>  New Delhi 110030
>  Mobile +91 98106 98003
>  Office Landline  +91 11 2437 8003
>  Residence Landline +91 11295 53298

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