Report on the accident of Munishri Jambuvijayji and colleagues

Rasik Vihari Joshi Tripathi jrasik at COLMEX.MX
Tue Jan 26 14:21:51 UTC 2010

Dear Dominik,It seems my name has been removed from the membership list
of INDILOGY. I was a member for the past several years. I would lie to a
member again. Kindly help me.
Rasik Vihari Josh M.A.,,Ph.D.(Banaras), D Litt (Paris)Professor of
El Colegio de Mexico, Mexico

-----Mensaje original-----
De: Indology [mailto:INDOLOGY at] En nombre de Dominik
Enviado el: Lunes, 18 de Enero de 2010 09:51 a.m.
Asunto: Report on the accident of Munishri Jambuvijayji and colleagues

Dear colleagues,

A "Report on the accident of Param Pujya Munishri Jambuvijayji Maharaj
Saheb" by Hiroko Matsuoka has been posted to the "Members' queries and
information" section of the INDOLOGY website,

It is a PDF file (600kb).

Ms Matsuoka was in the harrowing situation of being one of the party
travelling with Jambuvijayaji and his colleagues at the time of the
accident, and she arrived on the scene less than an hour after the
event, and before the arrival of the police.  Ms Matsuoka has granted
permission for her account to be shared on the internet with members of
the INDOLOGY list.

Dominik Wujastyk
INDOLOGY website

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