recent publication: nyaaya suutra and nyaaya bhaa.sya translated and annotated

Jan E.M. Houben jemhouben at GMAIL.COM
Tue Jan 5 23:49:11 UTC 2010

author/translator: Michel Angot
title: Le Nyaaya-Suutra de Gautama Ak.sapaada -- Le Nyaaya-Bhaa.sya
d'Ak.sapaada Pak.silasvaamin : L'Art de Conduire la Pensée en Inde Ancienne.
Edition, Traduction et Présentation.
Paris: Les Belles Lettres.

with an introductory study of 242 pages, text-translation-notes on pp.
243-807, appendices 809-883.
the introduction deals with: A vocabulary and method; B the art of debate; C
the NyaayaS seen by its commentator; D logic, rationality, rationalities; E
medicine and dialectics: extracts from the Vimaanasthaana of the Caraka

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