stone-inscriptions from Sichuan
Christophe Vielle
christophe.vielle at UCLOUVAIN.BE
Fri Dec 10 18:10:17 UTC 2010
Thank you very much to John C. Huntington and
Michael Witzel for their comments and the
precious supplementary information provided, as
well as to those who gave me their comments
off-list. I add below for information the
interesting remarkst I got from Liying Kuo :
>J'ai déjà remarqué quelques photos de ce genre
>dans les publications chinoises.
>Il est possible d'avoir les dharani ou mantra
>(et même bija) inscrits en écriture indienne,
>siddham, devanagari (et tibétaine plus tard) sur
>les objets funéraires, notamment chez les non
>Han. Prof. Witzel a certainement raison de
>remarquer que les animaux sont ceux de
>calendrier [chinois], mais sur ces trois photos,
>ils ne sont pas toujours présentés en "bonne"
>Les deux seuls caractères chinois, wo â et jing
>ü, inscrits sur les deux stèles (un chacune)
>font partie des Chang (nitya) Le (sukha) Wo
>(atma) Jing (subha). Je pense qu'il doit avoir
>les deux autres inscrites Chang et Le? (je viens
>de voir que la photo de Witzel a le mot Le)
With best wishes,
Christophe Vielle
>These are interesting, in that there seem to be
>at least four of them as Michael Witzel's image
>adds a fourth.
>It is important that they are either "from"or
>"currently in" Sichuan as they reflect art of
>the Da Li kingdom of Yunnan rather closely and
>I presume had their origin in Da Li or near by.
>A very important although less well know
>painting, Now in the National Palace Museum,
>Taipei by Chang Sheng-wen (Flourished ca.
>1160-1190) demonstrates both the sanskrit
>inscriptions and some of the cap types of the
>figures in the four inscriptions.
>The Scroll is about the Nan Zhao State Talisman,
>the "True Image of Avalokiteshvara" and
>associated iconographics
>Most of the scroll is posted on the Huntington Archive website
>under History of Art 677.02 Chinese Buddhist Art lectures
>Lectures 12 and 13 (Yes I talk about it for 4 hours)
>A modest bibliography is attached:
>The inscriptions are below:
>Attachment converted: MacintoshVielle HD:00.
>Long Scroll Biblio. (W8BN/MSWD) (0022D16D)
>Attachment converted: MacintoshVielle HD:Da Li
>Ins Fol 130.jpg (JPEG/8BIM) (0022D16E)
>Attachment converted: MacintoshVielle HD:Da Li
>Ins Fol 129.jpg (JPEG/8BIM) (0022D16F)
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