new EJVS issue 17-2: Vajracharya on Unicorns

Alexandra Vandergeer avandergeer at PLANET.NL
Mon Dec 6 15:26:54 UTC 2010

Perhaps I am a bad reader, but to me it is as if the author of Unicorns in Ancient India truly believes there existed once in the wild an artiodactyl animal with one horn only in South Asia. Since there is not the slightest hint whatsoever in the whole article as to the taxonomy of this enigmatic creature, it is unclear whether the author presents his personal opinion or that of the Vedic Indians (who might perhaps have believed indeed in such a ruminant).
The only single-horned artiodactyl ungulates I am aware of roamed northern America during the Mio-Pliocene, such as Synthetoceras and family and the dromomerycids.
Alexandra van der Geer


From: Indology on behalf of Michael Witzel
Sent: Sun 28-11-2010 5:44
Subject: [INDOLOGY] new EJVS issue 17-2: Vajracharya on Unicorns

Dear List Members,

we are happy to announce a new issue of the Electronic Journal of 
Vedic Studies:

Vol.17 Issue 2, Nov. 29, 2010:

Gautama V. Vajracharya

Unicorns in Ancient India and Vedic Ritual

It is available at: <>
as quick download (compresssed pdf 1 MB) and as slower download (11 
MB pdf).

Issue 3 (Y. Vassilkov on Siberian rattle-mirrors with early Indian 
motifs) to follow shortly.


Michael Witzel
witzel at

Dept. of Sanskrit & Indian Studies, Harvard University
1 Bow Street,
Cambridge MA 02138, USA

phone: 1- 617 - 495 3295, 496 8570, fax 617 - 496 8571;
my direct line:  617- 496 2990

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