
Robert Zydenbos zydenbos at UNI-MUENCHEN.DE
Tue Aug 10 13:02:04 UTC 2010

Jaina literature (as far as I have dealt with it) sees Kṛṣṇa not  
as a Tīrthaṅkara, but as a cousin of Neminātha , the 22nd  
Tīrthaṅkara. See, for instance, B.N. Sumitra Bai and R.J. Zydenbos,  
"The Jaina Mahābhārata", in Arvind Sharma (ed.), Essays on the  
Mahābhārata. Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1991; pp. 251-273.


Op 10.08.2010, om 02:43 heeft Horacio Francisco Arganis Juarez het  
volgende geschreven:

> Honorable Colleagues:
> Some of you could spend the quotations in the Jains books, where  
> Krishna Vasudeva was listed as one of the Tirthakaras? Also if you  
> have the  literal quotations of Lalitavitsara where Krishna also  
> mentions, but in English please?
> Regards.
> Lic. M.A. Horacio Francisco Arganis Juárez
> Catedrático Investigador de la Universidad
> Internacional Euroamericana.
> Departamento de Filosofía y Religión Comparada.
> Miembro del Instituto de Estudios Filosóficos de Saltillo A. C.

Prof. Dr. Robert J. Zydenbos
Department für Asienstudien - Institut für Indologie und Tibetologie
Universität München
Tel. (+49-89-) 2180-5782
Fax  (+49-89-) 2180-5827

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