Crow lore
Paul G. Hackett
ph2046 at COLUMBIA.EDU
Fri Apr 16 13:16:19 UTC 2010
A follow-up to Matthew's observation: although
Laufer wrote his article based on a Dunhuang
manuscript (Pelliot 3530), the text (bya rog gi
skad brtag par bya ba; kAkacaritra) is actually
contained in some recensions of the Tibetan canon
(Peking: P5831, vol.144, p.25-27, vol. GO fol.
202b7-204b6; and Snar-thang: thun mong ba lugs
kyi bstan bcos, vol. GO, fol. 221a1-222b7, to
name two).
[BTW, the citation for the Laufer article is:
Berthold Laufer, "Bird Divination Among the
Tibetans," T'oung Pao (II) 15 [1914]: 1-110. The
article is available from JSTOR.]
A more up-to-date study however, can be found in Eric Mortensen's dissertation:
"Raven Augury in Tibet, Northwest Yunnan, Inner
Asia, and Circumpolar Regions" Harvard (2003).
There are several more texts related to "bird
divination" in both the Bka'-'gyur and
Bstan-'gyur sections of the Tibetan Buddhist
canon. If you are interest in references to
those, feel free to contact me off-list.
Paul Hackett
Associate Editor
Tengyur Translation Initiative
Columbia University
At 7:24 AM -0500 4/16/10, mkapstei at UCHICAGO.EDU wrote:
>though not properly indological, berhold laufer wrote an excellent article
>concerning a tibetan dunhuang crow divination manual. if you write to me off
>list i will dig up the precise reference
>---- Original message ----
>>Date: Fri, 16 Apr 2010 14:48:57 +0300
>>From: Klaus Karttunen <klaus.karttunen at HELSINKI.FI>
>>Subject: Re: Crow lore
>>For crow and bird omens see AgnipurÇ?a 231f., M¥narÇja, YavanajÇtaka
>68, B?hatsa?hitÇ 46 & 86-88 & 95, ÂivatattvaratnÇkara 5, 8,
>VasantarÇjaÊakuna (esp. 12), ÂÇrdlakar?ÇvadÇna p. 175-180.
>>Klaus Karttunen
>>Professor of South Asian and Indoeuropean Studies
>>Asian and African Studies, Department of World Cultures
>>PL 59 (Unioninkatu 38 B)
>>00014 University of Helsinki, FINLAND
>>Tel +358-(0)9-191 22674
>>Fax +358-(0)9-191 22094
>>Klaus.Karttunen at
>>On Apr 16, 2010, at 2:30 PM, Jan Filipsky wrote:
>>> Dear List,
>>> a student of mine is preparing an essay on vayasavidya, with special
>>> to omens, longevity, creation and hell.
>>> Could you kindly suggest some relevant literature?
>>> Regards, Jan Filipsky
>Matthew T. Kapstein
>Numata Visiting Professor of Buddhist Studies
>The University of Chicago Divinity School
>Directeur d'études
>Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, Paris
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