Auction Houses

Peter Friedlander peterfriedlander at YAHOO.COM.AU
Wed Oct 7 01:49:45 UTC 2009

Dear Colleagues,
I wrote catalogue entries for Sam Fogg in London ( a while ago.
They used to have the most wonderful South Asian stuff for sale,
everything from ancient Buddhist MS from Afghanistan to illustrated manuscripts, I remember seeing a copy of an 18th century illustrated Ramayana/Ramcaritmanas with Nagari and Nastaliq scripts on facing pages.
some of their stuff had also been through the states on its way from wherever it came from to wherever it was going.
So Sam Fogg is one to watch, in fact their website catalogue shows this as well.


Peter Friedlander

21 Hindhede Dr #04-04

Singapore, 589318

Handphone: (65) 90624357

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