textual sequence

petra kieffer-Pülz kiepue at T-ONLINE.DE
Wed May 20 15:40:41 UTC 2009

Dear All,

According to my experience the textual sequence in commentaries  
regularly is: text to be commented on (for instance a verse or list  
of terms), commentary on the words or terms of the preceding verse or  
list (pratīkas plus explanations). I now have a Pāli commentary  
where it is exactly the other way round (pratīkas plus explanations,  
followed by the text from which the pratīkas are extracted).

I would like to know whether this is  a common feature in  
commentarial literature only unnoticed by me.

Would be thankful for any comments,

Dr. Petra Kieffer-Pülz
Wilhelm-Külz-Str. 2
99423 Weimar
Tel. 03643/770447
kiepue at t-online.de

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