Translations into Sanskrit

Klaus Karttunen klaus.karttunen at HELSINKI.FI
Mon Mar 23 13:15:47 UTC 2009

Dear colleagues,
I have noted down following references. They hail from various  
sources and I have not seen all of the books myself.

Translations from Indian Languages:
CAKRAVARTI, Rājagopāla: Translated from Bengalī Bankim Candra  
Caṭṭopādhyāy’s Candraśekhar with new title as Śaivalinī.  
Mysore 1917.
DESIKAN, S. N. Srirama: Sanskrit translations of Tamil and Telugu  
classics, e.g. Tirukkural Porutpal, Auvaiyār, Tiruppāvai, Vemana,  
Padyamulu, Kamba Rāmāyaṇam Bālakāndam, Pattuppattu, Ettuttokai.
PARAMĀNANDA Paṇḍit: A Sanskrit metrical version and Sanskrit  
commentary of Bihārī Lāl's Satsaī, published together with the  
original Braj text under the name Śṛṅgārasaptaśatī. Benares  
ŚIROMAṆI, Sītārāma Nayācārya: Tagore: Gītāñjali. Translated  
from Bengalī into Sanskrit. 1917.
VARADACHARYA (or -chari), S. T. G.: wrote books in Telugu, translated  
Telugu classics into Sanskrit.
VARMA, Vikramadeva: Rāmacaritamānasa. Translated from  
Tulasīdāsa’s Hindī. 1918.

Translations from non-Indian Languages:
AYYANGAR, M. R. Rajagopala: Sanskrit translation of the Rubaiyat of  
Omar Khayyam. 1940.
BROCKHAUS, Hermann: "Über Homer's Ilias in Sanskrit", ZDMG 6, 1852,  
108f. (cf. Brown, The prosody of the Telugu and Sancrit Languages.  
Madras 1827, 4).
FLECHIA, Giovanni: "Versione sanscrita dell' episodio dantesco  
Francesca da Rimini", Ricordo ai colleghi indologi del Congresso  
orientalistico di Berlino. 1881.
GODBOLE, Narayan Bal Krishna: Æsop's Fables translated into Sanskrit  
from the Maráthi. Bombay 1877.
MISRA, Sadal: compiled the Sanskrit Section in J. B. GILCHRIST: The  
Oriental Fabulist or polyglott Translations of Esop's and other  
ancient Fables from the English language into Hindoostanee, Persian,  
Brij B,hak,ha, Bangla, and Sunkrit in the Roman Character by various  
Hands, under the direction and superintendence of J.G., for the Use  
of the College of Fort William. Calcutta 1803.
PAVOLINI, Paolo Emilio: translated into Sanskrit:  
"Çvetadvīpagāthāmālikā", GSAI 28, 1916-17, 167-177 (20 English  
ROËR, Eduard, tr.: Mahākavi Sekṣpīr praṇīta nāṭaker  
marmānurūpa Lembsṭeler katipaya ākhyāyika anuvādita haïa. 2+  
212 p. Calcutta 1853 (Ch. Lamb's tales from Shakespeare).
VARMA, Rājarāja (1863—1918): prose translation of the Othello  
publ. as Uddālakacarita. 1???.

And does nobody remember Cappeller?:
CAPPELLER, Carl: "Subhāṣitamālikā. Eine Auswahl von Sprüchen  
deutscher Dichter in Sanskrit nachgebildet", Jahresbericht der  
Pfeiffer'schen Lehr- und erziehungsanstalt. Jena 1902, also in IA  
1903 and as a separate publication.
Yavanaśatakam. (Hundert Sanskrit-Strophen nach griechischen Dichter).  
Jena 1903, also in IA 1905.

Parsi Sanskrit (at least following translated from Avesta or Pahlavi):
GEIGER, Wilhelm: habil.diss. Aogemadaêcâ, ein Parsentraktat in  
Pâzend, Altbaktrisch und Sanskrit. 160 p. Erlangen 1878.
JAMASP ASA, Kaikhusroo Dastur Minocher: diss. The Pahlavi-Pazend Text  
of the Aogemadaēca. MS. 1966, publ. as Aogemadaēcā. A Zoroastrian  
Liturgy. 119 p. 54 pl. SWA 397. Vienna 1982 (with facs. of Pazand,  
Sanskrit and Gujarati versions).

BHARUCHA, Ervad Sheriarji Dadabhai & M. P. KHAREGHAT, ed.: Arda- 
Gvîrâ. Ed. by E.Sh.D.Bh. with Old Gujarati version by M.P.Kh. 100 p.  
Collected Sanskrit Writings of the Parsis 5. Bombay 1920.

DHALLA, Maneckji Nusserwanji: ed. & tr. Khordah Avesta. 1. The  
Nyaishes of Zoroastrian Litanies. Avestan Text with the Pahlavi,  
Sanskrit, Persian and Gujarati versions. 12+235 p. Indo-Ir. Ser. 6.  
N.Y. 1908.
FÜHRER, A.: On Khordah-Avesta Of Neryôsangh, JBRAS 16:42, 1883, ??-??.

SPIEGEL, Friedrich von: Grammatik der Pârsi-Sprache nebst  
Sprachproben. Lp. 1851 (Pāzend, with several extracts from the  
Pāzend Mēnōg-ī Xrad with Sanskrit and German translations).
SACHAU, Eduard, ed.: “Contributions to the knowledge of Parsee  
Literature”, JRAS 4, 1870, 229-283 (specimens of Mênôk-i Ḫrat in  
Pehlevi and Sanskrit).
WEST, Edward William, ed.: Book of the Mainyō-i Khard. Pāzand,  
Sanskrit, and English, with a Glossary. 1871.
BHARUCHA, Ervad Sheriarji Dadabhai, ed.: Mainyôi Khard. Collected  
Sanskrit Writings of the Parsis 3. Bombay 1912.
ANKLESARIA, Ervad Tehmuras Dinshaw: Dânâk-u mainyô-i Khard.  
Pahlavi, Pazand and Sanskrit Texts. Bombay 1913.

BHARUCHA, Ervad Sheriarji Dadabhai, ed.: Skanda Gumani Gujara. 101 p.  
Collected Sanskrit Writings of the Parsis 4. Bombay 1913.

SPIEGEL, Ludwig Friedrich Ernst von: ed. Neriosengh's Sanskrit- 
Uebersetzung des Yaçna. Herausgegeben und erläutert. 249 p. Lp. 1861.
BURNOUF, Eugène: Commentaire sur le Yaçna, l'un des livres religieux  
des Parses. 1-2. 153+592+196 & ??? p. P. 1833-35 (Yasna 1 in Avesta  
and Sanskrit with commentary).
DEGHAN, K.: Der Awesta-Text Srōš Yašt (Yasna 57) mit Pahlavi und  
Sanskritübersetzung. 19??.
KOSSOVIČ, Kaetan Andreevič (Cajetan Kossovich): “Četyre stat’i  
iz Zendavesty, s prisovokupleniem transkripcii, russkago i latinskago  
perevod, ob’jasnenij, kritičeskih primečanij, sanskritskago  
perevoda i sravnitel’nago glossarija”, Trudy vost. otd. arh.  
obšč. 8, 1861 (Yasna?).
MILLS, Lawrence Heyworth: A Study of the Five Zoroastrian Gâthâs,  
with the Zend, Pahlavi, Sanskrit, and Persian translations. 1-2.  
------            Letter on an Avesta-Sanskrit Manuscript of Yasna in  
Oxford, AJPh 15, 1894, 120f.
------            “Yasna XXVIII”, Festgruss Roth 1893, ??-??.
------            “The Sanskrit Equivalent of Yasna XLIV”, Actes  
di XIe Congrès intern. des Orientalistes, Paris 1997, 1 section 1899,  
------            “The Ahuna Vairya from Yasna XXVII, 13, with its  
Pahlavi and Sanskrit translations”, JRAS 1910, 57-68, 641-657 (ed.  
and transl.).
------            “Yasna XLIV, 1-10, a study prospective a new ed.  
of S.B.E. XXXI”, ZDMG 65, 1911, 325-335.
------            “Yasna XLIV, 11-20, a study re a new ed.”, ZDMG  
66, 1912, 461-468.
------            “Yasna XXIX in its Sanskrit Equivalent”, Le  
Muséon 13, 1912, 1-26.
------            The Yasna 29 and 31 in its Sanskrit Equivalents.  
Oxford 1914.
------            “Yasna XXX”, ZDMG 68, 1914, 149-156 (in Sanskrit).
------            “The Yasna 31”, Le Muséon 15, 1914?, ??-??.
------            “The Yasna 32, 1-8, in its Indian Equivalent”,  
JRAS 1915, 205-211 (ed. and transl. with notes).
------            “The Yasna 32, 9-15, in its Indian Equivalent”,  
JRAS 1916, 103-112 (ed. and tr. with notes) .
------            “The Yasna XLVIII, in its Indian Equivalent ”,  
JBRAS 24:3 (70), 1914-16, 596-603.
------            “The Yasna 43, 1-6, in its Sanskrit forms”, JRAS  
1917, 541-5??.
------            “The Yasna 43, 7-16, in its Sanskrit forms”,  
JRAS 1917, 753-771.
------            “Yasna XLVII of the Gāthā Speñtāmainyu  
rendered in its Sanskrit equivalents”, JRAS 1919, 15-23.
TARAPOREWALA, Irach J. S.: "A Sanskrit version of Yasna IX", Sir  
Asutosh Mookerjee Silver Jubilee Volumes 3:2, Calcutta 1925.

UNVALA, Jamshedji Maneckji: ed. with Pehlevi and Sanskrit  
translations: Neryosangh’s Sanskrit version of the Hōm Yašt (Yasna  
IX-XI), with the original Avesta and its pahlavi version. Ed. &  
transl. with notes and glossarial index. 15+199 p. Wien 1924.

Bible and Christian literature, see  YOUNG, Robert Fox: "Church  
Sanskrit: an approach of Christian scholars to Hinduism in the 19th  
century," WZKS 23, 1979, 205-231.

The New Testament of Our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ: Īśvarasya  
sarvavākyāni. Tr. by Serampore Missionaries. 1-3. Serampore 1808-11.
BALLANTYNE, James Robert: In Sanskrit: Genesis, chapters 1–3: The  
Bible for Pandits. fasc. 1. London & Benares 1860 (all published).
YATES, William: Bible translations: Psalms in Sanskrit. 184? (in  
śloka metre), some other parts in Sanskrit.
WENGER, John: translated parts of the Bible (both OT & NT) into  
Sanskrit, some (e.g. Job) directly from Hebrew into Sanskrit metre.
CAREY, William: Matthew 1-3 in his A Grammar of the Sungskrit  
Language. Serampore 1806, 895-901.
BURRITT, Elihu: A Sanskrit Handbook for the fireside. L. 1876 (with  
the Sanskrit transl. of the Gospel acc. to John as exercise).

MILL, William Hodge: translated into Sanskrit: Christa-saṅgīta or  
History of Christ. Calcutta 1831, 2nd ed. 1837.
------            The Sermon on the Mount. 183?.

WENGER, John: translated many hymns and tracts into Sanskrit and  
John Muir wrote Christian and text books in Sanskrit, Indian  
history and English geography.

Klaus Karttunen, Ph.D.
Professor of South Asian and Indoeuropean Studies
Institute for Asian and African Studies
PL 59 (Unioninkatu 38 B)
00014 University of Helsinki, FINLAND

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