
Mary Storm mnstorm at MAC.COM
Thu Mar 19 05:02:49 UTC 2009

Dear Indologists,

I am writing on behalf of a student who is doing a research project on  
the place of bangles in Indian society. She is looking at images  
(plenty, not a problem!) and she is also searching for poetic  
references (not so successful). I hope that one of you could offer up  
some possible poetic references. I can only think of the poem by  
Sarojini Naidu.

Any help would be most appreciated.

Thank you so much for your thoughts!


Mary Storm, Ph.D.
Academic Director
North India Arts and Culture
Himalayan Buddhist Art and Architecture
SIT Study Abroad
School for International Training

Mobile +91 98106 98003
F-301 Lado Sarai
2nd Fl
New Delhi 110030  India

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