Language barriers --- financial barriers

Sun Mar 8 23:58:34 UTC 2009

I am now able to be a bit more precise about the source of the hearsay  
about Glasenapp’s wishes not being respected by the Glasenapp  
Foundation. It comes from a student of Paul Thieme, who heard it  
directly from Thieme himself. This does not make the hearsay true, but  
I also see no reason for them to make up such a story. As Dharmakirti  
said of the Buddha: vaiphalyaad vakti naan.r.nam.

If Prof. Slaje has seen von Glasenapp’s will, perhaps he should tell  
us so, and if he hasn’t, he should not pretend to know what’s in it.
The official homepage of the Glasenapp Foundation, to which he refers  
and in which the will is not quoted, is immaterial to the matter.
Best wishes,
Eli Franco

Quoting Walter Slaje <slaje at T-ONLINE.DE>:

>> I have not seen von Glasenapp will myself, so this is just hearsay. I
> was once told that he wanted his estate to provide scholarships for
> poor students of Indology, but his will was „perverted“ by the
> colleagues who were responsible for its execution in order to
> establish that series.
> Someone or other may be inclined to spread rumours of "perverted"  
> wills based on "just hearsay".  Scholars, in particular, may however  
> be interested rather in facts based on evidence: On the will of  
> Helmuth von Glasenapp and its legal execution everybody who so  
> wishes can inform themselves by simply consulting the site  
> (available 24hours/day;  
> details on p. 3ff).
> Should the information given there be considered insufficient,  
> further details can be got from the administration office:
> Helmuth von Glasenapp-Stiftung
> c/o Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur
> Geschwister-Scholl-Straße 2
> 55131 Mainz
> Ansprechpartner:
> Dr. Carlo Servatius, Tel. 06131 16-2808, Fax 06131 16-4151
> WS
> ---------------------------------------
> Prof. Dr. Walter Slaje
> Hermann-Loens-Str. 1
> D-99425 Weimar (Germany)
> Tel/Fax: +49-(0)3643 501391
> -----------------------------------------
> Seminar für Indologie
> Institut für Altertumswissenschaften
> Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg
> Emil-Abderhalden-Str. 9
> D-06108 Halle (Germany)
> Tel: +49-(0)345-55-23650
> Fax: +49-(0)345-55-27139
> walter.slaje at
> -----------------------------------------
> Ego ex animi mei sententia spondeo ac polliceor
> me studia humanitatis impigro labore culturum et provecturum
> non sordidi lucri causa nec ad vanam captandam gloriam,
> sed quo magis veritas propagetur et lux eius, qua salus
> humani generis continetur, clarius effulgeat.
> Vindobonae, die XXI. mensis Novembris MCMLXXXIII.

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