MithilAyAM tu daghdhAyAm

Michael Hahn hahn.m at T-ONLINE.DE
Thu Mar 5 23:22:29 UTC 2009

One would hope that Prajnavarman in his voluminous Udanavargavivarana 
(ed. M. Balk, Bonn 1984) would relate a somewhat interesting story but
all he has to say is:

"In order to illustrate that there is a special happiness after one has
abandoned even the minutest [possession] without any remainder [the
Buddha] spoke [the verse containing the name] Mithila. The ruler of
Mithila, a royal seer, once dwelt in a state that was free from longing
caused by desire. When he saw that Mithila was consumed by a big fire he
spoke the stanza that had been uttered by the Buddha."

Prof. Dr. Michael Hahn
Ritterstr. 14
D-35287 Amoeneburg
Tel. +49-6422-938963
Fax: +49-6422-938967
E-mail: hahn.m at

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