hre ṣaṇīya

Jean-Luc Chevillard jean-luc.chevillard at UNIV-PARIS-DIDEROT.FR
Fri Jul 17 14:57:26 UTC 2009

Dear Dagmar,

piling a question on a question,
I wonder whether what you describe might be linked with a question I 
asked on this same list in 2002


I elicited a few answers, such as:

(by Madhav Deshpande)

(by Peter Scharf)

It is possible that trying to describe what "laughing" is,
in a phonetic/scientific perspective
(without saying that it is "le propre de l'homme" :-)
is as difficult as explaining "kh, g and gh"
to a dravidian speaker (who knows only "k"),
and requires references to animal cries

I hope this is useful

Best wishes

-- Jean-Luc Chevillard

Dominik Wujastyk a écrit :
> ---- Forwarded message from Dagmar Wujastyk <d.wujastyk at> ----
> Dear INDOLOGY members,
> Has anyone come across the verb "hreṣ" - "to neigh" or "to whinny" in 
> the sense of "to laugh"?
> I am reading a passage in the medical treatise Aṣṭāṅgasaṃgraha 
> (Sūtrasthāna 2.16) on correct professional conduct for a physician 
> that reads
> hreṣaṇīyāṃ ca tadvārrtāṃ na prakāśayate bahiḥ|
> "He does not reveal any xxx news about him outside."
> Obviously, "to be neighed" does not fit the context.
> Any suggestions would be very welcome.
> I am not an INDOLOGY list member: kindly CC replies to me at 
> <d.wujastyk at>
> With thanks,
> Dagmar

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