signature verses

Paul G. Hackett ph2046 at COLUMBIA.EDU
Tue Feb 24 14:58:31 UTC 2009

Dear Jonathan,

At 3:26 PM +0100 2/24/09, Jonathan Silk wrote:
>I am interested in the
>case of Buddhist authors "signing" their works in, typically, a closing
>verse. (I think I recall an example from Candrak¥rti....?)

    Perhaps the instance you are thinking of 
occurs in the first of CandrakIrti's closing 
verses to his _yuktiSaSTikA-vRtti_:

klu yi rkyen yin 'jigs dang bcas pas yongs spangs pa
rigs pa'i ku mu da 'di kha 'byed _zla ba_ ni
nyes pa'i 'byung gnas rab rib rnam pa rab bcom nas
blo gros mi ldan skye bo rnams la _grags pas_ mdzes


Paul Hackett
Columbia University

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