announcement: original publication

Jan E.M. Houben j_e_m_houben at YAHOO.COM
Tue Feb 24 00:39:10 UTC 2009

As the following publication did not appear in an indological series it may have escaped the attention of potential interessees of this list:
Author: Peter Raster
Title: Grundpositionen interkultureller Linguistik. 
[Foundational positions of intercultural linguistics.]
Series: Interkulturelle Bibliothek, Band 123 
Nordhausen: Traugott Bautz, 2008, 159 p.,  
ISBN 978-3-88309-326-0 
10 €
p. 159
Die interkulturelle Linguistik, deren Grundpositionen in dem vorliegenden Buch bestimmt werden, ist keine neue Teildisziplin der Linguistik, sondern eine systematische Zusammenfassung dessen, was in der Linguistik bereits an Erkenntnissen zur Interkulturalität sprachwissenschaftlicher Phänomene vorliegt. Zu diesen Phänomenen gehören nicht nur verschiedene Formen der Sprache und des Sprechens, sondern auch die Sprachwissenschaft selbst. 
[Intercultural linguistics, the foundational positions of which are determined in the present book, is not a new subdiscipline of linguistics, but a systematic summary of that which is already present in linguistics in the form of findings regarding interculturality of linguistic phenomena. To these phenomena belong not only different forms of language and speech, but also linguistics itself.]
Of special interest for Indology: 
p. 47 ff: coexistence of subsequent language stages
p. 68 ff: Humboldt's Sprachtypologie
p. 126 ff: the origin of linguistics (in Greece, India and China). 
p. 142 ff: grammar and medium (orality, written media). 
Jan Houben


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