
Jonathan Silk kauzeya at GMAIL.COM
Tue Feb 17 12:14:41 UTC 2009

These are very interesting, and no doubt useful. But a quick glance will
assure anyone that they are not based on frequency. Is it possible that
kṣura is one of the most common words in Skt? It seems to me more likely--I
didn't look around to see if this is explained--that this is vocabulary for
some reader. So the question of the collection of 'basic vocabulary' in the
sense of a list of the most frequent  words (perhaps by genre?) remains a
desideratum. But some linguistic must have compiled such a list, no?


On Tue, Feb 17, 2009 at 11:50 AM, Himal Trikha <himal.trikha at>wrote:

> Two pdf-files containing lists of 100 and 3200 words respectively can be
> downloaded here:
> The lists are called basic vocabulary ("Sanskrit Grundwortschatz"). I don't
> know on what criteria the words were selected.
> Best regards
> Himal Trikha
> On 17.02.2009 08:57, Alexandra Vandergeer wrote:
>> Dear Sanskritists,
>> Did anyone ever compile a frequency list of Sanskrit nouns, verbs and
>> adjectives in terms of use per 1000 lemmas?
>> Alexandra van der Geer

J. Silk
Instituut Kern / Universiteit Leiden
Postbus 9515
2300 RA Leiden

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