
Bill Mak bill.m.mak at GMAIL.COM
Sat Aug 1 06:40:30 UTC 2009

Hi McComas,
I believe there is a short, but very informative article 『勝解 
abhimuktiについて』on this subject by Sakurabe, who compared most  
of the Pāli, Skt, and Tibetan materials extant.
Sakurabe Hajime, 桜部建. 1997. 增補版佛教語の研究. 昭和50 
年發行 ed. 京都: 文栄堂. 34-39.
I thank Prof. Funayama of Kyoto University for the reference.
Bill Mak

On 2009/07/28, at 12:24, McComas Taylor wrote:

> Dear friends
> A colleague, Ruth Gamble, has posted me this question:
> "The word is adhimukti [mos pa or mos gus in Tibetan].  In one of  
> the poems I am looking at it is used in conjunction with spyod pa,  
> or carya -- adhimukticarya...  adhi [above, over, on] and mukti is  
> liberation, right?  So why does the Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon  
> list the meaning for adhimukti as "propensity, confidence"?  And,  
> more intriguingly, why do you think most Tibetan translators  
> translate mos pa/mos gus as "devotion"?"
> A can anyone cast any light on why adhimukti might mean 'propensity,  
> confidence'?
> Thanks in advance
> McComas

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