New Publication "The Indian Night, Sleep and Dreams in Indian Culture"

Claudine Bautze-Picron cbpicron at GMX.DE
Fri Apr 17 13:04:53 UTC 2009

Dear Colleagues,


I wish to inform you that the volume „The Indian Night, Sleep and Dreams in
Indian Culture“ has just been released by Rupa & Co, New Delhi (ed. Claudine
Bautze-Picron) (and a pair of rAjahaMsa appears also there !). It contains
22 papers which were presented during a conference organized in April 2004
in Paris and cover various aspects as seen in the table of contents below
(where all diacriticals have been dropped for the sake of this mail).

With all my best wishes,

Claudine Bautze-Picron.







The Physiology of Dreams

Dream Physiology: a western View on Dreams, Jean-Louis Valatx

Dreaming and Dying in Indian Mythology and Âyurvedic  classical Texts,
Martin Mittwede


The Meaning of Dream

A Song against bad Dreams: Magic, Supersition or Psychology ?, Jan E.M.

Dreams and other States of Consciousness in the Moksopâya, Jürgen Hanneder


Dreams and Sleep in Praxis

How to sleep ? What to dream ? Sleep and Dream dos and don‘ts in the Jain
tradition, Nalini Balbir

Dreams in the Saivite Practice, Luce Barazer-Billoret

Dreams and Transgression in the Sanskrit prescriptive Texts, Jean Fezas

The Role of Dreams in accessing higher States of Consciousness as practised
in a contemporary Indian Ashram, Madhu Tandan


Dreams and Sleep in Language and Literature

Sleep and Dream in the Lexicon of Indo-European Languages, Georges-Jean

Common Dream and its Interpretation according to Indian narrative Material,
Jean-Pierre Osier

Between Dream and Reality: literary Function of Dreams, Sylvain Brocquet

Sleep and Dreams in the Râma-kathâs, Eva De Clercq

The Nightmare in contemporary Tamil short Stories, Chantal Delamourd


Dreams in Buddhism

Mâyâ’s Dream from India to Southeast Asia, Anna Maria Quagliotti

The five Dreams of the Bodhisatta in the Murals of Pagan (Myanmar), Claudine

Dreams about the Buddha’s Departure from Home and the Construction of a
Buddhist System of Dream Interpretation, Serinity Young

Riding the Ass of the Great Vehicle backwards: Dreams and Revelations in The
Life and Songs of Milarepa, Danièle Masset


Dreams from abroad

The Role of Dreams in Muslim Mysticism, Pierre Lory

Good Dreams, bad Dreams in the history of Japanese civilisation, Hartmut O.


Images of Dreams and sleep

Representations of Visnu’s cosmic sleep in Nepalese Sculpture, Anne-Claire

Sayana forms of devî in sculptural Tradition from central India, Anne Casile

Two illustrated Manuscripts on Dreams and Omens, Joachim K. Bautze


The Authors


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