SV: River Ulhas

Hartmut Buescher buescher at HUM.KU.DK
Mon Sep 15 19:48:55 UTC 2008

Dear Stephen,

>the thing is, I am trying to identify a river somewhere between and 
>including the Narmadaa and the Ulhas from a Tibetan translation (mdzes-'byor) 
>which roughly means "endowed with beauty / prosperity / goodness". 

mdzes-'byor may very well translate the term/name ullAsa (incl. connotations such 
as splendor, brightness, beauty) itself.  
Here is a map showing a lot of rivers in Maharashtra:

Best regards,

Hartmut Buescher

-----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
Fra: Indology på vegne af Stephen Hodge
Sendt: ma 15-09-2008 21:04
Emne: Re: River Ulhas
Dear Ashok (and George),

Thanks for the information.  That is somewhat helpful.  The thing is, I am 
trying to identify a river somewhere between and including the Narmadaa and 
the Ulhas from a Tibetan translation (mdzes-'byor) which roughly means 
"endowed with beauty / prosperity / goodness".  I had wondered if the Ulhas 
was at some time known as the Kalyaa.nika in view of the town upstream today 
called Kalyana.

Many thanks,
Stephen Hodge

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