Yoga Consultation Program AAR 2008
Stuart Ray Sarbacker
s-sarbacker at NORTHWESTERN.EDU
Tue Oct 28 17:09:55 UTC 2008
Hello All--
Please see the Yoga Consultation Program for this year's AAR
conference in Chicago. We have two excellent sessions with a
decidedly Buddhist flavor this year. Hope that you will join us for
the sessions and for the business meeting on Monday. Please note that
there has been a change to session A2-328 which was originally listed
as "Tamil and Tibetan Yoga"--as the presenter on Tamil yoga had to
withdraw, we have focused the session uniquely on Tibetan Buddhist yoga.
Best Wishes,
Stuart Sarbacker
Northwestern University
Yoga in Theory and Practice Consultation
Sunday - 5:00 pm-6:30 pm
Christian K. Wedemeyer, University of Chicago, Presiding
Theme: Variations of Yoga: Modern Tibetan Buddhist Yoga
Alejandro Chaoul, University of Texas, Houston
Stuart R. Sarbacker, Northwestern University
Anne C. Klein, Rice University
David Gray, Santa Clara University
Tantric Studies Group and Yoga in Theory and Practice Consultation
Monday - 9:00 am-11:30 am
Christopher Chapple, Loyola Marymount University, Presiding
Theme: Yogic Powers (Siddhis)
Knut Axel Jacobsen, University of Bergen
Are the Powers (Siddhis) of the Yogasutra an Example of Buddhist
Influence on Yoga?
David Fiordalis, University of Michigan
The Miracles of the Vimalakīrti-nirdeśha: Narrative Form and
Doctrinal Content
Bradley S. Clough, University of Montana
Remembering Lives and Reading Minds: The Importance of Yogic Powers
in Early Theravada Buddhism
David G. White, University of California, Santa Barbara
How Big Can Yogis Get? How Much Can Yogis See?
Lloyd W. Pflueger, Truman State University
Holding On, Letting Go, and Hitting the Mark: Demonstrating
“Success” in Classical Yoga
Business Meeting:
Stuart R. Sarbacker, Northwestern University
Christopher Chapple, Loyola Marymount University
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