Compatible Font for Macs and PCs...

Will Rasmussen will.rasmussen at KCL.AC.UK
Sat Nov 29 09:11:59 UTC 2008

Dear Mary,

I have been using Gandhari Unicode Roman for several years on my Macs  
(through several OSX upgrades) and it works very well. However, I  
remember having a terrible time getting it up and running at first. I  
am very ignorant about the 'behind the scenes' workings of fonts, and  
indeed about pretty much everything else to do with computers, but  
someone in the IT Department here advised me to install (and actually  
installed for me!) something called Easy Unicode Keyboard. Whenever I  
use Gandhari Unicode Roman font, I must first switch to the Easy  
Unicode Keyboard. (You can access all this keyboard stuff by opening  
'System Preferences' and then opening 'International', in the top  
'Personal' row of icons. There is also an icon for this in the menu  
next to the clock.)

For obtaining Easy Unicode Keyboard, see the following site, which  
recommends Andrew Glass' Gandhari Unicode Font (to whom I offer  
abundant thanks).

The following site is helpful for downloading and using the keyboard,  
from what I can gather, but again, I am not the person to advise you  
further on actually installing and operating it.

Please forgive me if all of this information is quite beside the  
point, as your problem may be much more complicated both than this  
and than I would comprehend!

In any case, please accept my 'Good luck!' from a Mac commiserator!

Best wishes,



Dr Will Rasmussen
Matilal Lecturer in Indian Philosophy
Department of Philosophy
King's College London
160 The Strand, London WC2R 2LS

Tel. 020 7848 2757
Email: will.rasmussen at

On 29 Nov 2008, at 08:19, Mary Storm wrote:

> Yes, I tried Gandhari Unicode and it won't work. I think the problem
> is OS X, but that has now been out on the market for a while. . . so
> somebody has surely tackled this problem for Macs.
> Mary Storm
> On 29-Nov-08, at 1:14 PM, Valerie J Roebuck wrote:
>> Are you sure? I tried Gandhari Unicode when trying to process some
>> documents on my husband's Mac with OS X , and I couldn't even get it
>> to produce a lower case anusvAra M. (When I used the thing that's
>> supposed to let you find non-standard characters, it put in a rather
>> messy upper case one instead). I would like to know this, because I
>> have been happily using the Norman fonts on my ancient Mac Classic
>> for many years, with Pop Char for when I need to find a particularly
>> obscure character, and am dreading the day (surely not far off) when
>> I have to get a modern Mac with OS X.
>> Valerie J Roebuck
>> At 10:22 pm -0800 28/11/08, Andrew Glass wrote:
>>> Dear Mary,
>>> The Gandhari Unicode font has all the signs you will need. It also
>>> works well on a MacBook when using a modern word processor like
>>> Mellel.
>>> Andrew

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