Left and right

Mahendra Kumar Mishra mkmfolk at GMAIL.COM
Wed Nov 5 05:22:06 UTC 2008

 In  India   right hand is used for  auspicious  work  and taking food  in
right hand. Left hand is used for  toilet purpose . So lef  hand is not
normally used for eating.
 Once a Swiss friend came to me, and he offered me  sweets in  his left
hand   and I did not  take that.
 After  that he got to know that right hand is  for offering good things.
Even in our day to day   activities we use right hand  for respecting
others.  Now a   days there ie a trend   to  greet in  left hand. Namaskar (
folding two hands )  is madw with  two hands. Butnow  a days  some people
greet in    left hand only which is  bad.
 Even if you offer  some ting to  some body it should  be in    right hand.
Offering   any thing  in left hand is considered  disrespectful and insult ,
or neglence.

On Wed, Nov 5, 2008 at 5:09 AM, Peter Wyzlic <pwyzlic at uni-bonn.de> wrote:

> Am 04.11.2008 um 22:26 schrieb Stella Sandahl:
>  A friend of mine just asked me the following question:
>> "historically, how do Indian traditions look at the ideas of left (or
>> left-hand) and right (right-hand)?"
>> I have no idea. Does anybody know how the notion of the left  hand being
>> inauspicious etc.  came about?
>> Latin sinistra seems to have the same connotations.
> Here's just one article by Jan Gonda who dealt with the right hand side
> (dakṣiṇā, pradakṣiṇa etc.) in a Vedic ritual context:
> Gonda, Jan: The Significance of the Right Hand and the Right Side in Vedic
> Ritual. - In: Religion. - Vol. 2, Issue 1 (1972), p. 1-23.
> Peter Wyzlic
> --
> Institut für Orient- und Asienwissenschaften
> Abteilung für Indologie
> Universität Bonn
> Regina-Pacis-Weg 7
> 53113 Bonn

Dr Mahendra Kumar Mishra
State  Tribal Education Coordinator,
Orissa Primary Education Programme Authority,
Unit- V Bhubaneswar 751001,India

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