Konrad Meissner info?

Robert Zydenbos zydenbos at UNI-MUENCHEN.DE
Fri Jun 6 18:30:08 UTC 2008

Am 06.06.2008, 11:35 Uhr, schrieb Dean Anderson <eastwestcultural at YAHOO.COM>:

> Does anyone have any information about Konrad Meissner who is/was the
> author of: Malushahi and Rajula: A Ballad from *Kumaun* (*India*) as
> Sung by *Gopi Das*?

He was lecturer of Hindi (and, occasionally, modern Indian languages) in our Institute of Indology in Munich, and retired about eight years ago.


Prof. Dr. Robert Zydenbos
Institut für Indologie und Tibetologie
Universität München
Tel. (+49-89-) 2180-5782
Fax (+49-89-) 2180-5827

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