inscriptions with figures of sun and moon

Arlo Griffiths arlo.griffiths at LET.LEIDENUNIV.NL
Thu Jan 24 08:55:11 UTC 2008

Dear colleagues,

If by any chance any one of you happens to have in his or her  
photographic collections any pictures of one of the  
following ;Silaahaara inscriptions, that are of sufficient quality to  
illustrate a publication, and that could be made available to me, I  
would be very grateful indeed:

- Vihar stone inscription of Anantadēva of śaka 1003 (Mirashi 1977:  
113–115, pl. XLV)
- Cintra stone inscription of Aparāditya I of ś. 1059 (Mirashi 1977:  
127–130, pl. LV)

- Chanje stone inscription of Aparāditya I of ś. 1060 (Mirashi 1977:  
130–132, pl. LVII)

- Bassein stone inscription of Mallikārjuna of ś. 1083 (Mirashi  
1977: 153–156)

- Lonad stone inscription of Aparāditya II of ś. 1106 (Mirashi 1977:  
156–158, pl. LXVIII)

- Bassein Stone inscription of Anantadēva II of ś. 1120 (Mirashi  
1977: 163–165, pl. LXXI)

- Miraj copper-plate inscription of Mārasiṃha of ś. 980 (Mirashi  
1977: 200-206, plate XC)

- Talale copper-plate inscription of Gaṇḍarāditya of ś. 1032  
(Mirashi 1977: 207–214, pl. XCII)

The references are to Vasudev Vishnu Mirashi (1977) Corpus  
Inscriptionum Indicarum vol. VI. Inscriptions of the Śilāhāras. New  
Delhi: Archaeological Survey of India.

It is particularly the figures of sun and moon on these inscriptions  
that interest me. These figures seems to appear commonly on Satii- or  
Hero-Stones (see e.g. < 
stone3.htm>). Images of non-;Silaahaara inscriptions that do not  
clearly belong to the categories of Satii/Hero-stones, but that do  
display the same motif, would also be of interest to me.

Thanks in advance for any tips that you might be able to give or  
photos that you may be able to provide!

Arlo Griffiths
Instituut Kern, Universiteit Leiden
Postbus 9515
2300 RA Leiden, the Netherlands

phone: +31-(0)71-5272622
fax: +31-(0)71-5272956
email: <arlo.griffiths at>

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