Buddhacarita 1,1-7 and 25-40, bibliographical hints

Mark Allon mark.allon at USYD.EDU.AU
Mon Feb 11 22:55:10 UTC 2008

Dear Richard,

>I've just found that courtesy of the National Institute of Informatics
>an open access version of this article can be downloaded from here:
>Kind regards,
> Richard

Thanks for the link to this useful resource. Unless I missed them, a quick search showed that several Japanese Buddhist Studies/Indology journals were not listed:

Buddhist Studies (Bukkyō Kenkyū)
Journal of the International College for Advanced Buddhist Studies
Nagoya Studies in Indian Culture and Buddhism

Is there a site that lists all Japanese Buddhist Studies/Indology journals and their access status?


Dr Mark Allon
Department of Indian Subcontinental Studies
University of Sydney

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