Buddhacarita 1,1-7 and 25-40

Christophe Vielle christophe.vielle at UCLOUVAIN.BE
Fri Feb 8 10:59:01 UTC 2008

[the title of this subject is borrowed from Michael Hahn's artice in 
IIJ 17, 1975]

Dear colleagues,

both in the electronic version by members of the Sanskrit Buddhist 
Input Project (available through GRETIL) and in Irma Schotsman's 
"edition" (Bibliotheca Indo-Tibetica Series, 1995) of A/svagho.sa's 
work, the missing portion of the Sanskrit text of the Buddhacarita is 
fully completed in the same manner. These conjectures are partly 
based on Johnston's ones (at least for vv. 1-7, given in the 
footnotes of his translation). But who is the author of this full 
restaured text ? And is this conjectural text a "serious " 
reconstruction based on the Tibetan translation ? Thank you for your 

Christophe Vielle

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