Dave's birds

Stella Sandahl ssandahl at SYMPATICO.CA
Thu Feb 7 16:03:01 UTC 2008

Dave's book is indeed very useful, but would be even better if there  
was a Sanskrit index of name of birds found in Sanskrit literature.  
As it it, the book is very difficult to consult.  Has a Sanskrit  
index been compiled?  If not, maybe someone has an ornithologically  
inclined student who could devote him/herself to the task.
Best regards
Stella Sandahl
University of Toronto
Stella Sandahl
ssandahl at sympatico.ca

On 4-Feb-08, at 12:44 AM, Stuart Ray Sarbacker wrote:

> McComas-- Sounds like a great place to look. I'll check it out.  
> There's a copy at the University of Chicago which should be easy to  
> get. Best Wishes, -Stuart
>> Date:    Sun, 3 Feb 2008 16:42:13 +1100
>> From:    McComas.Taylor at ANU.EDU.AU
>> Subject: Re: Indian Hoopoe
>> Dear Stuart
>> Do you know this work?
>> Birds in Sanskrit literature  Dave, K. N., 1884-1983  Delhi :  
>> Motilal Banarsidass, 1985
>> It may be of help.
>> Yours
>> McComas

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