The Manuscripts of the Tantraloka of Abhinavagupta

Mrinal Kaul mrinalkaul81 at GMAIL.COM
Fri Dec 26 12:33:47 UTC 2008

Dear All,
                 For past more than a year I have been engaged in  
pursuit of finding the manuscripts of the Tantraloka of Abhinavagupta,  
the author of several other texts in the Kashmirian Trika domain of  
Saivism. I have been successful to a certain extent, but I believe  
that there is always a possibility of advanced exploration and I might  
have, owing to my immaturity, skipped some collections. In case any  
one of the scholars is aware of the availability of the manuscripts of  
the Tantraloka in India or in any other foreign country, may I request  
him/her to share the information with me. I am aware of the   
collections at the following places; Srinagar, Jammu, Varanasi, Pune,  
Lucknow, Trivendrum, New Delhi, Berlin and London.

I would immensely grateful for this favour. Thanking you in  

Mrinal Kaul

Mrinal Kaul
# 37/4 Pandoka Colony
Paloura, Jammu - 181121
Jammu & Kashmir INDIA
Phone: 91-191-2532549
Cell: 91-9999488911 (Delhi)
Cell: 91-9419789213 (J&K)
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