gemination/degemination of stops in ligature with semi-vowels

Roland Steiner steiner at MAILER.UNI-MARBURG.DE
Wed Dec 24 16:12:11 UTC 2008

> Buddhist Poet Āryasūra, Grammarian Jinendrabuddhi and so many texts  
> show ‘tt’  here.

It is not the "Buddhist Poet Āryasūra" but the printed editions of its  
Jaatakamaalaa which "show 'tt' here". The old nepalese palmleaf  
manuscript ("N"; probably 11th cent.) of the Jaatakamaalaa, e.g.,  
almost exclusively reads "bodhisatva", but also, e.g., "satra" instead  
of "sattra" (cf. Albrecht Hanisch, Aarya;suuras Jaatakamaalaa,  
Philologische Untersuchungen zu den Legenden 1 bis 15, Teil 1:  
Einleitung, Textausgabe, Anhänge, Register, Marburg 2005 [Indica et  
Tibetica 43/1], p. xlvi).

Roland Steiner

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