Oldest dated paper manuscripts from India and Nepal?

Birgit Kellner birgit.kellner at UNIVIE.AC.AT
Mon Dec 15 10:04:22 UTC 2008

Dear all,

I am wondering what might be the oldest dated paper mss from India and 
Nepal respectively that are currently known.

For India, I am aware of Alsdorf's reference to a Jaina ms of the 
Karmagranthaṭippaṇaka (Jaisalmer) from 1198 CE (Alsdorf 1951: 62).

For Nepal, Trier 1972: 132 reports a Pañcarakṣā ms of 1105 CE (N.S. 225) 
as the oldest dated paper ms (at the time kept in the Asutosh Museum, 
Calcutta, ms. plate 121), made of Thymelaeaceae fibre.


Alsdorf, Ludwig: "Neues von alten Jaina-Bibliotheken." Beiträge zur 
indischen Philologie und Altertumskunde. Walter Schubring zum 70. 
Geburtstag dargebracht von der deutschen Indologie (Alt- und 
Neu-Indische Studien 7). Hamburg (1951), 59-65.

Trier, Jesper: "Ancient Paper of Nepal. Results of ethno-technological 
field-work on its manufacture, uses and history - with technical 
analyses of bast, paper and manuscripts" Jutland Archaeological Society 
Publications 10. Copenhagen (1972).)

Does anyone know of any older *dated* paper mss?

Thanks in advance, and best regards,

Birgit Kellner

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