position at Seoul National University

McComas Taylor mccomas.taylor at ANU.EDU.AU
Wed Aug 20 04:46:13 UTC 2008

Seoul National University


The Department of Religious Studies at Seoul National University (Korea) 
invites applications for an open rank position (tenure-track) in the 
academic field of Hinduism.  While the area of specialization is open, 
the successful applicant will have expert proficiency in reading 
Sanskrit texts and demonstrated ability to teach both early and modern 
Hinduism.  Moreover, the successful applicant will be engaged with the 
wider field of Religious Studies and with relevant theoretical approaches.
Applicants will conduct lectures in English at both undergraduate and 
graduate levels.  Competence in English, both oral and written, is 
essential for this position. Native-level proficiency will be regarded 
as highly desirable in assessing applicants.  Candidates should hold a 
completed Ph.D. degree at the time of appointment (Sept. 1, 2008). A 
demonstrated excellence in teaching and research is expected.
Applicants will be provided with a twelve month based salary with an 
annual increase, campus housing at substantially below market cost, one 
semester paid research leave out of every seven semesters, 
intra-university research grants, reimbursement for relocating expenses, 
and student assistants.
Candidates should submit an application form (available on-line), 
curriculum vitae, and no more than two representative writing samples or 
scholarly publications by E-mail to the Departmental Selection 
Committee, E-mail: center4rs at snu.ac.kr. <mailto:center4rs at snu.ac.kr.> 
Due to procedural matters, it will be advantageous for applicants who 
submit their material earlier.
For more detailed information, visit the departmental homepage, 
Seoul National University

Dr McComas Taylor
Head, South Asia Centre
Faculty of Asian Studies
The Australian National University

Tel: +61 2 6125 3179
Fax: +61 2 6125 8326

Email: mccomas.taylor at anu.edu.au
URL: http://asianstudies.anu.edu.au/wiki/index.php/Dr_McComas_Taylor
Location: Room E4.24 Baldessin Precinct Building 

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