Christophe Vielle
christophe.vielle at UCLOUVAIN.BE
Tue Aug 19 14:13:20 UTC 2008
In Viennot, Odette, Le culte de l'arbre dans
l'Inde ancienne: textes et monuments brâhmaniques
et bouddhiques, Paris: PUF , 1954, Annales du
Musée Guimet. Bibliothèque d'études no 59
in the Latin index with sanskrit equivalents,
kadamba is given both for
Anthocephallus cadamba (Hook) p. 273 and Nauclea cadamba (Roxb.) p. 274
in the Sanskrit index, only the former is given for kadamba p. 276
and the "French" name given is... Kadamba
In Couture, André, L'enfance de Krishna, Paris -
Québec: Presses de l'Université Laval - Editions
du Cerf, 1991, "Index des noms de plantes" p. 435:
Kadamba, Antocephalus indicus syn[onyme] A.
cadamba ou Nauclea kadamba, [HV] 52,22;
54,; 55,8.57; 56,1.2; 73,15. Arbre
réputé pour ses fleurs orange très odoriférantes
qui apparaissent à l'arrivée des pluies.
>The Kadamba tree is identified by Monier-Williams (p. 247)
>as Nauclea Cadamba and by Apte (p. 527) as Stephegyne
>Parviflora Korth. The comment in Apte's entry that it
>"is said to put forth buds at the roaring of thunder-
>clouds" precisely fits the context in the passage that
>concerns me (Prabodhacandrodaya, 4.13c).
>Does anyone have a clue about the correct botanical
>identification, and whether there is a familiar
>English name in use?
>thanks in advance,
>Matthew T. Kapstein
>Numata Visiting Professor of Buddhist Studies
>The University of Chicago Divinity School
>Directeur d'études
>Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, Paris
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