book announcement: Paippalada-Samhita of the Atharvaveda

Arlo Griffiths arlo.griffiths at LET.LEIDENUNIV.NL
Tue Apr 15 14:51:42 UTC 2008

Hot off the press in Kolkata:

Dipak Bhattacharya

The Paippalada-Samhita of the Atharvaveda
Critically edited from palmleaf manuscripts in the Oriya script  
discovered by Durgamohan Bhattacharyya and one Sarada manuscript

Volume Two Consisting of the Sixteenth Kanda

The Asiatic Society, Kolkata
Bibliotheca Indica Series No. 319

Rs. 400.00 / $ 50

(There seems to be no ISBN.)

Arlo Griffiths
Instituut Kern, Universiteit Leiden
Postbus 9515
2300 RA Leiden, the Netherlands

phone: +31-(0)71-5272622
fax: +31-(0)71-5272956
email: <arlo.griffiths at>

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