privative a with finite verb

L.S. Cousins selwyn at NTLWORLD.COM
Tue Sep 25 10:33:58 UTC 2007


BHSD (s.v. a-) says this occurs rarely in Skt and refers to Renou's 
grammar p. 175. There are quite a few examples for Pali given in CPD 
under its fourth a- s.v. 7.


>I have the impression that I have seen, in Buddhist texts at least,
>privative a affixed to finite verbs (but my memory gets worse and worse, and
>maybe I'm imagining this...). Now I have a passage which may need
>emendation, or perhaps not, if it can be demonstrated that such forms exist,
>whether Paninian or not. (This may even be discussed in Wackernagel, for
>instance, but I'm not sure I  would even know how to look for it...). Any
>advice will be much appreciated!

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