avagraha in Malayalam Manuscript

Harry Falk falk at ZEDAT.FU-BERLIN.DE
Sun Sep 2 09:38:18 UTC 2007

> Speaking of Indoskript, I and some other Mac/Linux folks would very much 
> appreciate if it becomes an online application.  Is there any such plan?

this plan was there from the outset and a version with just the query 
and results pages is in the making. The very flexible map will probably 
be lost on the way as certainly will the OCR feature, i.e. the 
possibility for you to draw the outline of a character you have in a ms. 
and have IndoSript check for cognates.
Unfortunately, funding has come to a close and the brain behind all this 
programming, Oliver Hellwig, has lots of other projects running.
I take this opportunity to thank Gudrun Melzer and Michael Hahn for 
material they have sent to be included in the next version of the brahmi 
database, which already now is considerably larger than the first trial 
version. Our invitation to send us interesting material for inclusion is 
a steady one: we need good scans and a transcription if the text is 
little known.
H. Falk

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