Help requested

Valerie J Roebuck vjroebuck at MACUNLIMITED.NET
Mon Mar 5 21:57:58 UTC 2007

Does anyone have ready access to Claus Vogel 
(ed), Jñanamuktavali. Commemoration Volume in 
Honour of Johannes Nobel on the Occasion of His 
70th birthday offered by Pupils and Colleagues, 
New Delhi, 1959? A copy of an article in it, Rau, 
W, ''Bermerkungen und nicht-buddhistiche 
Sanskrit-Parallelen zum Pali-Dhammapada", has 
arrived from the library service with two pages 
(one opening) missing.  It would be nice not to 
have to go through the ordering process again to 
get them! So if you can help, could you please 
contact me off-list?

Many thanks--

Valerie J Roebuck

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