Query: New Catalogus Catalogorum Access

Alex Passi a.passi at ALMA.UNIBO.IT
Thu Jun 21 14:41:18 UTC 2007

Dear Friends,

Does any one have a lead on how to access (on a single entry basis)  
the yet unpublished portion of the New Catalogus Catalogorum? A  
student of mine is trying to obtain the complete textual sources of  
the Vakroktipancasika, for which the only reference I have is the old  
Kavyamala edition.

Alex Passi
Alex (Alessandro) Passi,
Dipartimento Studi Linguistici
e Orientali
Università di Bologna,
Via Zamboni 33
Bologna, 40126, Italy.

a.passi at alma.unibo.it
alexpassi at gmail.com
cellphone +39-338.269.4933
fax +39-051-209.8443.

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