Help with metre

Roland Steiner steiner at MAILER.UNI-MARBURG.DE
Tue Jun 19 15:03:11 UTC 2007

The metre in question is an ardhasamav.rtta called Pu.spitaagraa (odd  
paada-s: na-na-ra-ya; even paada-s: na-ja-ja-ra-ga). Cf. e.g., the  
definition in Ratnaakara;saanti's Chandoratnaakara 3.10.

In fact, the Pu.spitaagraa is a "frozen" maatraav.rtta of the  
Aupacchandasaka (or, Aupacchandasika) type. The odd paadas (1 and 3)  
of an Aupacchandasaka consist of 6 maatraa-s or morae (i.e. three of 2 morae each) plus the two ra (-u-) and ya (u--):

uu/- uu/- uu/- + -u- u--

The even paada-s (2 and 4) consist 8 maatraa-s (i.e. four of 2  
morae each) plus ra (-u-) and ya (u--):

uu/- uu/- uu/- uu/- + -u- u--

Thus, the Aupacchandasaka could also be described as a Vaitaaliiya  
with an additional long syllable at the end of each paada. A  
definition is found, e.g., in Ratnaakara;saanti's Chandoratnaakara  
5.14. There is also a "frozen" form of the Vaitaaliiya metre, viz.,  
the ardhasamav.rtta called Aparavaktra (metrical structure: odd  
paada-s na-na-ra-la-ga; even paada-s na-ja-ja-ra); cf.  
Chandoratnaakara 3.9.

With kind regards,
Roland Steiner

----- Nachricht von zysk at HUM.KU.DK ---------
      Datum: Tue, 19 Jun 2007 15:49:46 +0200
        Von: Kenneth Zysk <zysk at HUM.KU.DK>
Antwort an: Indology <INDOLOGY at>
    Betreff: Help with metre
         An: INDOLOGY at

> I should appreciate help with a metre found in several verses from the
> Shardulakarnavadana.
> Padas 1 and 3 are 12 syllables: uuuuuu-u-u--
> Padas 2 and 4 are 13 syllables: uuuu-uu-u-u--
> Thanks,
> KZ
> Kenneth Zysk
> Department of Cross-Cultural and Regional Studies
> University of Copenhagen
> Asian Studies Section
> Leifsgade 33,5
> DK-2300 Copenhagen S  Denmark
> Ph: +45 35328832
> Fax: +45 35328835

----- Ende der Nachricht von zysk at HUM.KU.DK -----

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