Indology and "the disastrous ideology of the 'pure Aryan race'"

gruenendahl gruenen at MAIL.SUB.UNI-GOETTINGEN.DE
Wed Jan 17 13:44:37 UTC 2007

Apologies to all members of the list who prefer not to here of this topic any more!

Only today, when I tried to reduce the backlog of "deleted messages" filtered out by 
our mailer, I came across Jan Houben's reply dated Thu, 11 Jan 2007 18:03:54 
(along with Paul Kiparsky's copy Thu, 11 Jan 2007 18:07:04) and various other 
postings to this list before and after. (The problem may persist.)

Anyway, I'd like to give an assessment of the debate so far, if I'm allowed that 
privilege. It will be strictly to the point and as short as possible, but it may not be 
ready before Monday.

Besides, I'd like to renew my call upon all list members for any evidence they have 
of a possible connection between indology and "the disastrous  ideology of the 'pure 
Aryan race'" (offlist, if preferred).

Reinhold Grünendahl


Dr. Reinhold Gruenendahl
Niedersaechsische Staats- und Universitaetsbibliothek
Fachreferat sued- und suedostasiatische Philologien
(Dept. of Indology)

37070 Göttingen, Germany
Tel (+49) (0)5 51 / 39 52 83
Fax (+49) (0)5 51 / 39 23 61
gruenen at

In English:

GRETIL - Goettingen Register of Electronic Texts in Indian Languages

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